
Scales, Modes, and Chords can be a bit intimidating at first - you won't believe how easy it is to master them with this easy advice. more

The Circle of Fifths explained simply. you be surprised how easy it is to understand this important music theory once you grasp these basic steps. more

Check out this web application that allows pianists to learn how to play songs without needing to read music, by stepping through the song a beat a... more

There are three types of guitarist - know who they are? Well read this and you will find out. I warn you, it's not what you think! more

What are the three most popular alternative guitar tunings with some examples as a discography of the top 10 songs using each tuning, with details ... more

If you have the ability to accurately pitch notes in tune, then you are a singer. But what do you need to develop to be a great singer? Find out here. more

Some people may not like the sound of their own voice when they hear it played back because it can sound different from what they expect. When we s... more

Want a great tone? Of course you do, and here's how more

It's misleading to describe tone as solely a function of hardware and software. There are plenty of things you can do right now to improve your ton... more

Is improvisation a lost art? No it's alive and well and you should read this to get some pointers more

A none technical beginners guide to learning lead guitar that will soon have you a guitar hero! more

Who'd want to be a lead guitarist? Everyone! But you've gotta be smart about it! more

Need some advice on how to prepare your tracks for SoundCloud? more

If I could find a trumpeter with the balls to play in the same soundspace as Miles I'd use him. more

Wanna know what pedals, amps, guitars, plugins, DAW and more I use? I spill the beans here. more

Don't buy a MIDI breath controller without reading this, it will save you money. more

These tips and tricks for harmony and arrangement will soon have you sounding like Earth, Wind and Fire more

Want to take your guitar solos to the next level? Stand out from the crowd with this advice more

Hell yeah, and this is how to leverage other guitarists licks to sound great more

Especially if you are a lead guitarist you need to read this! more

Where to find the best lead guitar solos? You'll be surprised. Read this and find out more

Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond when you're promoting yourself or your band? Read this to find out. more

Keeping your audience engaged at your gigs requires a great setlist . more