Ben.js JQuery

This file provides functionality on the client for

  1. Ajax calls during searches
  2. Autocomplete for the search box
  3. A clearable text box (has a little x on the right-hand side)

        $(function () {
	var ajaxFormSubmit = function () {
		var $form = $(this);

		var options = {
			url: $form.attr("action"),
			type: $form.attr("method"),
			data: $form.serialize()

		$.ajax(options).done(function (data) {
			var $target = $($form.attr("data-ben-target"));

		return false;

	var submitAutocompleteForm = function (event, ui) {
		var $input = $(this);

		var $form = $input.parents("form:first");

	var createAutocomplete = function () {
		var $input = $(this);

		var options = {
			source: $input.attr("data-ben-autocomplete"),
			select: submitAutocompleteForm

	var getPage = function () {
		var $a = $(this);
		var options = {
			url: $a.attr("href"),
			data: $("form").serialize(),
			type: "get"

		$.ajax(options).done(function (data) {
			var target = $a.parents("div.pagedList").attr("data-ben-target");
		return false


	$(".main-content").on("click", ".pagedList a", getPage);

* Clearable text inputs
	function tog(v) { return v ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'; }
	$(document).on('input', '.clearable', function () {
	}).on('mousemove', '.x', function (e) {
		$(this)[tog(this.offsetWidth - 18 < e.clientX - this.getBoundingClientRect().left)]('onX');
	}).on('touchstart click', '.onX', function (ev) {
		$(this).removeClass('x onX').val('').change();

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