Gary Moore, the Irish guitar virtuoso with a soulful voice and blistering solos, left an indelibl... more

Who is the guitarist who comes to mind when you think of the Blues? None other than Riley B. King... more

Stevie Ray Vaughan, Texas bluesman so revered he had his own title – SRV. He blazed a trail throu... more

Scott Henderson is a fusion guitarist known for his fiery playing style and adventurous approach ... more

Rory Gallagher was an Irish blues-rock guitarist and singer-songwriter celebrated for his electri... more

Robben Ford is a blues and jazz guitarist who can hold his own with Larry Carlton! Check out thei... more

Pete was a British guitarist and songwriter best known for his work with the legendary band Fleet... more

Paul Kossoff was the lead guitarist for the British rock band Free. Known for his soulful playing... more

Larry Carlton, also known as "Mr. 335," is a Grammy-winning guitarist and one of the most respect... more

Eric Clapton, often referred to as "Slowhand," is a guitar virtuoso and one of the most influenti... more