"Shine" is a chart-topping pop track cover song by Joni Mitchell available for free download


Download Shine here as an MP3


Joni was arguably saving the best till the last!

The Canadian singer-songwriter famously left the music business in 2002 so it was a welcome surprise when she released the album Shine in 2007.

It was an independent release because she swore that no record company would ever make any more money off one of her releases. On her website she says…

The record labels are criminally insane, ugly, screwed up, crooked, uncreative, selfish

And what a swansong album it was!

All the tracks are consistently up to Joni standards but the title song, Shine, is her masterpiece (and remember, she has many).

To say it details everything that is wrong with the World and says just 'shine' on it is a bit simplistic. There is hope too.

Shine on a hopeful girl In a dreamy dress

Joni appeared at Newport Folk Festival in 2022 and I for one would love to hear another studio album from her. In the meantime please accept Ai generated voices singing Shine meant as a respectful roll of the dice to her legacy.

"Shine" is an cover song track. This song is in the pop genre and also has a rock feel.


It is a composition by Joni Mitchell.

The track was first made available here in 2023, though copyright precedes that, as can be fully ascertained from registration with The Performing Rights Society in the United Kingdom.


  1. Benny plays all instruments on "Shine," with emphasis on guitar and keyboards (unless otherwise noted).
  2. All other instruments are virtual (VST) and either played directly as MIDI from a MIDI keyboard or sequenced directly into a MIDI editor.
  3. Benny also does all arrangements, produces, and engineers all recordings in his home studio using Cubase as his DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).

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If you really like this cover song track "Shine," please consider spreading the word on your social media and, ideally, if you have a website, please backlink to this URL: https://www.bennysutton.com/downloads/1816-shine-by-joni-mitchell-cover

Learn How To play Shine