Listen to and download "Court and Spark Feat. Vocalatti" by Joni Mitchell it's one of the best pop song cover tracks you'll hear this year!

Court and Spark Feat. Vocalatti
Court and Spark  Feat. Vocalatti

Download Court and Spark Feat. Vocalatti here as an MP3


This 2023 cover of Court and Spark by Joni Mitchell Features the hugely talented Vocalatti.For full Joni Mitchell discography click here

"Court and Spark Feat. Vocalatti" is an cover song track. This song is in the pop genre and also has a rock feel.


It is a composition by Joni Mitchell.

The track was first made available here in 2023, though copyright precedes that, as can be fully ascertained from registration with The Performing Rights Society in the United Kingdom.


  1. Benny plays all instruments on "Court and Spark Feat. Vocalatti," with emphasis on guitar and keyboards (unless otherwise noted).
  2. All other instruments are virtual (VST) and either played directly as MIDI from a MIDI keyboard or sequenced directly into a MIDI editor.
  3. Benny also does all arrangements, produces, and engineers all recordings in his home studio using Cubase as his DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).

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Learn How To play Court and Spark